Straßen Transport LKW fährt bei Sonnenuntergang Klima


Climate Protection Through an Optimized Transport Chain

A transport from A to B cannot take place without emissions. These emissions arise either directly (e.g., combustion of fuels) or indirectly during the production of the energy source (e.g., electricity). Many emissions can be avoided through an optimized transport chain. For example, carefully selected means of transport, routes, high load factors and high degrees of utilization of the means of transport significantly reduce emissions. CarbonCare will help you with this.

Climate Protection Projects

Climate protection projects are useful measures to compensate for remaining emissions that cannot be avoided. By investing voluntarily in such projects, companies can reduce the negative impact caused by their logistics activities. The climate protection projects of CarbonCare and our partners (e.g., myclimate) meet the highest standards (Gold Standard, Plan Vivo) and, in addition to reducing greenhouse gases, make a demonstrable positive contribution to sustainable development locally and regionally.

The investment in climate protection projects can be made either for individual cargo shipments by an occasional user or by a licensed customer for any amount of CO2e . At the customer's request, the amount of these emissions can be stored on CarbonCare's server (Analytics & Data Storage).

Projects >
Swiss Lake. Protecting the climate. Lower CO2

Climate Protection Project Partner

"myclimate" is an important cooperation partner of CarbonCare. Interested licensees and users can choose from the following projects.

myclimate >
Forest Alps offset CO2 greenhouse effect

Climate-conscious Transports

Climate-conscious shipping ensures that there is no unnecessary environmental pollution when transporting goods.

Climate-conscious Transports >